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Trout fishing has taught me to be a better engineer:


I started fishing when I was 6 years old. It was a regular springtime activity for my Dad and I, although he wasn’t too keen on fishing, I took to the sport from a young age and so I dragged him along on every outing. It soon became a regular springtime ritual for us with your typical early mornings and long drives up north. Every now and then we would catch one, but most often we would finish off the day empty handed. We would then set off to grab a bite of fish and chips, or my mom would pack us some classic tuna sandwiches for the road.

If you’ve ever tried fishing, it’s one of those sports you either love or hate. There are so many variables to consider, the right tackle, technique, conditions, a great spot and above all shear luck! Along the way, I’ve been fortunate to fish alongside some experienced pros which has helped me a lot.

This past summer while fishing, I was taking a pause between losing some lures and getting the lines untangled, and it dawned on me how similar fishing and engineering seem to be. Especially as it relates to engineering and the work that I do on parking garage and buildings. When you are out in the field investigating existing parking garages or building envelopes or during construction site inspections, the skill set used in fishing is very similar.

Here are my observations regarding the similarities of trout fishing and engineering:

1) Awareness of your surroundings and self awareness – looking for clues and patterns within your environment and surroundings is key

2) Problem solving – days don’t always go as planned, be ready to improvise and work with the available resources to get the job done

3) Patience and perseverance – not everything is instant. Sticking to a process will lead to results

4) Always be prepared – having the right equipment and personnel on hand is key

5) Success– you don’t always catch one. When you do, celebrate your success, knowing the process works.

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